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The Peruvian Amazon in Colors

The Peruvian Amazon in Colors
Ricardo Casarin
| @casarin.ricardo
May 28, 2020

The rainforest animals are the most complete variety that you can find and the Amazon rainforest of Peru is one of the most biologically diverse areas on Earth.  The area of the Amazon rainforest included within the country of Peru, from east of the Andes to the borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia. This region comprises 60% of the country. Peru has the second-largest portion of the Amazon rainforest after the Brazilian Amazon.

Peru is the second country in terms of number of bird species in the world and third in terms of mammals, of which 44% and 63% respectively live in the Peruvian Amazon.

Among the enormous number of species, highlights the monkey, jaguar, puma, tapir and deer. The sloth bear is another hallmark of our Amazon rainforest.

The Amazon River, the main source of living of the vast jungle geography of the country, is home to fishes like the paiche which can grow to four meters and cetaceans like the pink dolphin, which gives great entertainment when it wants to call attention off the boats. Its figure is surrounded by indigenous legends and now is in serious danger of extinction. Also there are reptiles and many species of aquatic and terrestrial turtles, caimans and many snakes, including the anaconda.

Photo: João Marcos Rosa. All rights reserved.

There is no other ecosystem in the world with so many species of birds, among these include macaws, toucans, and lots of other species, usually colorful plumage. 20% of the world’s species of birds is found in the Amazon rainforest.

This haven of natural diversity is home of thousands of species, many of them endangered, that make different parts of its territory in the center of global eco-tourism attraction.

Join our The Peruvian Amazon Tour and see up-close all this amazing biodiversity.


* Sloth Bear
The sloth bear is one of the slowest mammals in the world. It is one of the most representative animals of Peruvian Amazon wildlife. They are seriously threatened by the destruction of their habitat and commercialization as pets, because they traffickers capture pups and kill adults.

* Tapir
The largest terrestrial mammal of South America. Most common predators of tapirs are the big cats. However, their main threat is the human action, manifested through excessive hunting and habitat destruction. Today, all species of the genus Tapirus fall into the conservation status vulnerable or threatened.

* Choro Monkey or yellow-tailed wooly monkey
This species is endemic to the Andes of Peru and is one of 25 most endangered primates in the world. Amazon and San Martin, where are most of the habitat of this species, are the region with the highest rate of deforestation in Peru. The yellow-tailed wooly monkey is the largest endemic mammal of Peru.

Photo: João Marcos Rosa. All rights reserved.


* Toucan
The toucans are one of the most iconic birds in the world, their plumage and beaks are extremely colorful and consequently a dream for the travelers who visit the neotropical region.

They feed on fruits, insects and other prey such as small lizards, birds and eggs of other birds. They have been hunted with some intensity, but the main reason why they are in endangered of extinction is due to habitat destruction. Deforestation of rainforests, pollution, and growth of urban areas are some of its most obvious.

* Parrots, Parakeets and Macaws. (Clay Lick)
The parrot family is one of the most intelligent, colourful and easily recognisable of the large bird families. They are also one of the most endangered, due to habitat loss; introduction of exotic species and diseases; persecution; hunting and the pet trade. In South America parrots are regularly recorded consuming soil. The reasons for this behaviour have been an issue for debate over the last decade as benefits extend to both the adsorption of dietary toxins and the supplementation of nutrients, most notably sodium.

* Hummingbirds
Most hummingbirds exhibit bright. The throat, in males, may have bright red, blue or emerald green. They feed on flower nectar and small insects that can be found within them. To get away from the flowers have to fly backwards, they are the only birds capable of performing this maneuver.

Photo: João Marcos Rosa. All rights reserved.


* Caiman
Males reach a length between 1.8 and 2.5 m long and 1.4 m females. They feed on different species of animals: crustaceans, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals.

* Anaconda
Is a constrictor snake of the boa family. Of all the snakes this is the most weight. There have reported cases of adult humans being attacked or prey. Hunting usually fishes, also animals that come to drink, holding them with their jaws and holding them to wrap around the body and suffocate.

Photo: João Marcos Rosa. All rights reserved.


* Pirana
They are popularly known for their sharp teeth and insatiable and aggressive appetite for meat. Contrary to what the film was released, piranhas do not usually attack humans. In fact, the natives quietly bathe in the waters frequented by these fish, the piranha being an everyday food among local populations.

* Paiche
It is the second largest freshwater fish in the world, growing to over 3 m long and weigh up to 250 kg.

* Electric eel
It is a fish that can emit electric shocks up to 600 volt electric shock used to hunt prey, for defense and to communicate with other eels.

There is no other ecosystem in the world with so many species of birds, among these include macaws, toucans, and lots of other species, usually colorful plumage. 20% of the world’s species of birds is found in the Amazon rainforest.

About the author
Ricardo Casarin
| @casarin.ricardo

Co-founder, Naturalist Guide & Tour Leader
Ricardo Casarin has been leading tours in Brazil since 1998 and is one of Brazil’s most respected naturalist guides. Specializing in Natural History, Birdwatching, and Nature Photography tours, his expertise covers biomes such as the Pantanal, the Amazon, the Atlantic Rainforest, the Caatinga, and the Cerrado (the Brazilian Savanna). Ricardo also coordinates and leads tours through Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. He is co-author of the book “Tourism Guide in Natural Areas.”

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