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What to do in Peru

What to do in Peru
Maria G.
Maria G. Lara
August 26, 2024

Peru is a country rich in history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture, offering something for every type of traveler. Whether you’re an adventurer, a history enthusiast, or a foodie, Peru has countless experiences waiting for you. In this article, we’ll explore what to do in Peru, from its ancient ruins to its diverse wildlife and world-renowned cuisine.

Explore the ancient wonders of Peru

One of the most iconic destinations in Peru is Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan city nestled in the Andes Mountains. This UNESCO World Heritage site is a must-visit, offering a glimpse into the sophisticated engineering and architectural prowess of the Inca civilization. But Machu Picchu is just the beginning. Peru is also home to other remarkable archaeological sites, such as:

Kuelap: A fortress built by the Chachapoya people, known as the “Warriors of the Clouds.”

Chavin de Huantar: A pre-Incan religious center dating back to 1200 BC.

Caral: One of the oldest cities in the Americas, over 5,000 years old.

Chan Chan: The largest adobe city in the world, once the capital of the Chimu Empire.

Nazca Lines: Enigmatic geoglyphs etched into the desert, best viewed from above.

Discover Peru’s natural beauty

Peru is a paradise for nature lovers, with a diverse range of ecosystems that support an incredible variety of wildlife. Here are some of the best places to experience Peru’s natural wonders:

Amazon Rainforest: Explore the world’s largest rainforest, home to over 1,300 species of birds, 200 species of mammals, and countless other forms of wildlife. Stay in a luxury lodge for a unique blend of adventure and comfort in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Puerto Maldonado_Peru, August 04 2018 Reserva Natural de Tambopata PHOTO: JOAO MARCOS ROSA

Lake Titicaca: The highest navigable lake in the world, where you can visit the floating Uros Islands and learn about the indigenous cultures that inhabit the region.

The Andes: Trek through the majestic peaks and valleys of the Andes, where you can hike the famous Inca Trail or explore lesser-known routes like the Ausangate Trek.

Paracas National Reserve: Witness the stunning desert landscapes and marine wildlife, including sea lions, dolphins, and flamingos.

Savor the flavors of Peruvian cuisine

Peru is celebrated worldwide for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, which blends indigenous ingredients with influences from Spain, Africa, China, Japan, and Italy. When in Peru, be sure to indulge in the following culinary experiences:

Ceviche: Peru’s national dish, made with fresh fish marinated in lime juice and served with onions, cilantro, and aji peppers.

Lomo Saltado: A stir-fry of beef, onions, tomatoes, and peppers, served with rice and fries.

Aji de Gallina: A creamy chicken stew made with aji amarillo peppers, walnuts, and cheese.

Pisco Sour: The country’s signature cocktail, made with Pisco, lime juice, egg white, and Angostura bitters.

For those seeking a more exclusive dining experience, Lima is home to some of the world’s best restaurants, including Central, Maido, and Astrid y Gastón, where you can enjoy gourmet interpretations of traditional Peruvian dishes.

Experience Peru’s rich cultural traditions

Peru’s vibrant culture is deeply rooted in its indigenous heritage, and visitors have the opportunity to experience these traditions firsthand. Here are some cultural activities not to miss:

Festivals: Participate in Peru’s lively festivals, such as Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun) in Cusco or the Virgen de la Candelaria in Puno.

Traditional crafts: Learn to weave Inca textiles or create pottery with local artisans.

Music and ddance: Enjoy performances of traditional Andean music and dance, which are integral to Peruvian cultural identity.

What to do in Peru: exclusive and luxurious experiences

For travelers seeking a touch of exclusivity, Peru offers a range of high-end experiences that combine comfort with adventure:

Luxury Train Journeys: Travel in style on the Belmond Andean Explorer, which offers breathtaking views of the Andean landscape.

Exclusive Amazon Cruises: Sail along the Amazon River on a luxurious cruise ship, with guided excursions to explore the rainforest.

Private Tours: Enjoy personalized tours of Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, and other iconic sites, complete with scenic gourmet meals and exclusive access.

From ancient ruins and stunning natural landscapes to mouthwatering cuisine and rich cultural traditions, Peru is a destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re planning a once-in-a-lifetime adventure or a luxurious getaway, Peru has it all. So, when planning your next trip, keep the beauty of Peru in mind and count on South Quest to tailor this unforgettable journey.

About the author
Maria G.
Maria G. Lara

Content Writer
Maria has been an active writer and journalist since 2016. Based in Brazil, Maria joined us in 2023 and has been crafting engaging writen word content that highlights the beauty and diversity of sustainable tourism and South Quest’s favorite destinations.

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